coreSTORE Core Features
Data management

Full & Seamless eCommerce Integration
Easily sync inventory, item images, categories and tags with a Coreware or AmmoReady web site. Your online store and retail store will be in sync real time. Never sell an item online that is no longer available at the store.

Item Variations
Create different sizes, colors, or any attributes you define for your items. You can track inventory down to the variation and even have different prices per variation.

Custom Views
Choose the fields you want to display for items, kits, customers, suppliers, and employees.

Custom Fields
Add custom fields to sales screen, work orders, customers, inventory, bound book, employees, and more.

Import And Export Capabilities
With our import tool you can set up customers, items, suppliers, and gift cards. With our export tool you can export what you want, when you want it. With coreSTORE, your data is yours.

Customer Facing Display
Use a second monitor or tablet to have a customer see the sale as it happens! This allows your customers to make sure the sale is correct.

We have an API for custom development with coreSTORE. This allows for extensive customizations and work flows.

Gift Cards
Sell and redeem gift cards in our system. You can print gift cards from our partner Plastic Printers or use a company of your choosing.

Coupons & Promotions
Create coupons for specific deals or other promotions and print them on customer receipts. "Buy One Get One" or "Spend $100 get 50% Off" for example.

Customer Loyalty Programs
Create loyalty programs to keep your customers coming back. Choose between two different types of loyalty programs to offer your customers.
Transactions Management

Easily create sales that can be paid over time via our suspended sale module. You can report on how much is owed on outstanding layaways and easily add payments as they are paid.

Conduct All Types of Transactions
Process sales, quotes, special orders, layaways, returns and trades.

Split Payments
Accept multiple payment forms in cash, credit, debit or customer payment types during a sale.

Currency Exchange
Easily accept any currency denomination while making a sale or return.

Payment Options
In addition to integrated credit card, EBT/EBT processing, cash, check, gift cards, you can define your custom payment methods.

Custom Receipts
We offer a variety of different configuration options for making your receipts how you want them.

Store Accounts
Offer your customers or suppliers the ability to use a line of credit through our store account functionality.

Bank-level Security
coreSTORE implements stringent security measures to protect your customers and your business.

Integrated A & D Books
coreSTORE now supports a virtual acquisition and disposition log book (A&D) for FFL holders.
Business Related Features

Cash Management
Easily track cash that is in the register and manage additions and removals from the register. Reporting is also available for this to easily track shortages and overages.

Get comprehensive insights into your business with 40+ detailed reports designed for you.

Fast Employee On-Boarding
Unlimited training makes employee on-boarding fast and simple.

Multiple Locations
Designed so you can easily add store locations as your business requirements change.

Track employee commissions easily down to the item level. Very flexible on how commissions can be applied.

Tier Pricing
Set different price levels for your items. An example would be a wholesale tier. You can assign a customer to a tier so you can ensure they always get the right price!

Email Receipts
You can easily set up coreSTORE to send receipts, invoices, and purchase orders to customers and suppliers via Email.

Employee Time Clock
Easily track your employees' time on the job with an integrated time clock feature.

Internal Messaging
Send messages and announcements to all of your employees and they will see them when they log in.
Stock Management

Inventory Management
Do whole or partial inventory counts and stay up to date with email inventory alerts and warnings.

Purchase Orders
Create automatic purchase orders based on reorder and replenish levels and automatically email this to your supplier.

Transfer Stock
Easily transfer inventory between locations via our receivings module. This makes transfers a breeze.

Barcode Label Printing
Easily create barcode labels for your products when they arrive in your store or on-demand.

Serial Numbers
You can now manage items with serial numbers and you can also assign different prices depending on the serial number.

You can keep in contact with your customers with our Mailchimp integration.

Create labels and handle shipments directly in coreSTORE by integrating with EasyPost.

Checkeeper and a printer is all you need to create professional checks directly on coreSTORE.

Text your customers their store receipts, send updates on their work orders, or even send a custom text directly from coreSTORE with our Twilio integration.